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Quick ideas for MDFs to fill your stocking with leads

If you’re a channel marketer with MDF funds left over at the end of the year, don’t let them disappear like Santa back up the chimney. There are still plenty of ways to put those dollars to work this year and make a big impact for your business.

According to Zinfi, a whopping 60% of quarterly MDF that big brands give to their partners goes unspent. That’s like leaving unopened presents under the tree or returning a valuable gift. 

Use these quick-hit ideas instead:

#1 Content Syndication

If you need to generate some quick top-of-the-funnel leads, content syndication is an easy way to get them using an existing piece of content like an infographic, article or ebook. Most content syndication partners can generate leads within a few weeks time if you have existing content. Just be sure to have a plan ready for those leads when they come in, such as a nurture campaign that raises awareness and moves prospects to mid-funnel.

Also, choose a content syndication partner that has high-quality data (ask where they get their data), and uses reliable, well-known content channels for syndication. Some of our favorites include, Demandworks and Digital Funnel.

#2 Digital Campaigns

If you’re already using LinkedIn and Google Adwords for paid ads and posts, use your remaining funds to expand those programs. If you haven’t tried digital campaigns or want to make changes to existing programs, end-of-the-year MDF can help you test new channels such as TikTok or Instagram. 

Holiday-themed campaigns can be fun and a good way to make your brand stand out with personality and humor.

#3 Quick-Hit Events and Content

If your focus is on progressing leads through the funnel, consider doing a quick end-of-the-year digital event with a holiday theme. We love to put a creative wrapper around an Ask Me Anything or Coffee Talk virtual session. These should be short and interactive. Have attendees submit questions before the event and keep them simple, useful and fun! 

Depending on when your funds expire, you may also be able to squeeze out some quick-hit content with your funds, especially with the help of an agency. Think of content that could support your goals and campaigns in 2024 and give you a head start on new campaigns.

Lastly, if you’re short on bandwidth, a channel-focused marketing agency can help manage all of these programs and ensure you meet the MDF requirements and timelines. Agencies with deep skill benches can help with whatever is needed, such as email writing, creating a nurture strategy or content, or even planning live events.

Looking beyond the final quarter of the year, it’s never too early to start planning for next year. MFD renews quarterly, and having a strategy for each quarter can help you get ahead so you don’t waste funds and miss opportunities.